Paul Blissett Yoga

Yoga classes in Mid Buckinghamshire & Online
Over 6,500 classes taught

We use the practice of yoga, not to correct or punish ourselves for who we are not,
but to to see who we actually are.
Donna Farhi

Yoga class at Weedon Old Schoolroom


I am an experienced yoga teacher, teaching students mainly in the villages north of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire and have taught over 6,000 yoga classes since 2002.

View more about Paul and his teaching

Having taught my private yoga classes online during the pandemic, June 2022 saw the introduction of a mix of face to face and online private classes.

View student feedback

I also continue to teach two face to face classes weekly at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre in Leighton Buzzard. For a 'mystery shopper' review of one of these classes see Independent Review

Yoga class times & availability

Weedon Mon 19:00-20:30 Spaces
Swanbourne Tue 10:00-11:30 Full
Online Wed 19:00-20:30 Spaces

View Weedon class details

View Swanbourne class details

View online class details

These are general yoga classes with variations and alternatives for all participants.

Attendance & Pricing

New students get their first class free if attending face to face (if attending online they will have already had a free 1:1 yoga class as part of their induction)

Thereafter students need either a fixed or a variable block of classes active which guarantees them a place in their regular class each week.

A fixed block gives you 5 weeks to take five classes.

A variable block gives you up to 10 weeks to take five classes.


Class type Fixed block price Variable block price
Face to face £40 £50
Online £30 £40


View the full low-down on fixed and variable blocks, payment & attendance.